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After Rumi

Each thing
that happens in my life arrives
as a morning's guest.

Joys and anguish are
discoveries at my door that
arrive unexpectedly,
and with gifts.

I would welcome them;
I would look after them.

This crowd of sorrows
which scours my house,
tossing out furniture,
would be honored for
cleaning my home.
Doubt and shame, even malice
would be met at the door
and invited in, laughing
in gratitude for
what they bring me.

I would welcome difficulty.

I will learn
the alchemy of acceptance
that opens doors,
even as they seem to close.

When I was a child
I learned to dress myself;
I will now learn to undress myself
of these old clothes:

my sorrow and my self-pity.

I will know the nakedness
that shines within,

and the sweetness
that follows grief.

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